Tuesday 24 September 2013



A teaser from FAKE, book #9 in the Nicki Sosebee series.

This scene is a flashback!!!

“How would you feel about a friendly game of strip poker?”

Nicki had to swallow fast. What? It hit her then…Sean was looking at her through lustful eyes. Oh…she liked that. How could she pass up that opportunity? She glanced over at Jesse, still resting his head, and decided to go for it. The night could end up with her and Sean together at last. She felt the grin spread across her face. “I’m game.”

Sean smiled again, his eyes sparkling. “Have a seat and I’ll find the poker cards.”

Nicki reclaimed her seat and hoped she could remember how to play poker. She’d only ever played poker with Sean, so she was sure she’d lose. She really didn’t care. But then she saw Jesse first sit up and then stand, rubbing his face. He stumbled to the bathroom and Nicki was glad. Maybe he was going to leave, sensing where the evening was headed. She couldn’t blame him. He didn’t want to be a third wheel. And that’s when Nicki decided that, even though she’d like to sit close to Sean, she instead wanted to be across from him. If he stripped for her, she wanted to appreciate a full view. She knew he had a fantastic body and she wanted to see it, be able to enjoy and appreciate it. So she got up and sat on the floor between the television and the coffee table. When Sean returned from his desk in the dining room with a deck of cards, he asked, “Why’d you move?”

She grinned. “I want to watch you take off your clothes when I kick your ass.”

He started laughing. “Oh, really?”

Jesse came back in the living room as Sean pulled his t-shirt over his head. “That one’s for free.”

Jesse was still standing, rubbing his hair. “We doing this for reals?”

“Yeah, bro. You up for that?”

He shrugged. “Yeah. Why not?” He looked at Nicki. “You okay with it?”

She shrugged too but said nothing.

Jesse sat in his chair next to the couch. He opened the bottle of vodka, now half gone, and poured a shot. “Anyone want another before we begin?”

Nicki figured she needed to keep her buzz on. If Jesse was going to join them (and she found that she was strangely okay with that), she needed to maintain that swimming feeling. “Yeah.” She slammed it, and both guys did a shot too.

Nicki asked Sean to refresh her memory, wanting to remember what a flush and a straight were. “And what the hell is a royal flush again?” If she hadn’t wanted to win—to get both guys naked while she stayed clothed—she wouldn’t have cared.

Sean patted the couch next to him. “Come back up here.” She gave him a coy look. “I promise I’ll make it worth your while.” How could she resist? She grinned and joined him.

They drank a lot. Nicki herself knew she’d had too much. She was in blackout territory, but she was having fun and she seemed to be doing okay. After several rounds, Sean was down to boxers, Jesse to jeans, and Nicki in her bra and panties. The next round would be tense. Jesse was the only one who could afford to lose anything.

Jesse slammed another shot. “F**k. Hey, can we switch to blackjack? I can’t do poker anymore. I can’t concentrate anymore and I can’t bluff for shit.”

Sean looked at Nicki. “That okay with you?”

“Yeah.” Inside, she was secretly relieved. She was having a hard time focusing too and calculating her hand. How she’d managed to keep any clothes on had to be due to sheer luck.

The first round of blackjack, Nicki got lucky. She had a queen and an ace. Didn’t get much better than that. Both men held, and when they revealed, Sean had eighteen, Jesse nineteen. He threw his cards on the coffee table. He smiled, his eyes squinty from the booze. “I think I remember somebody wanting me to make a big f**king deal about revealing my schlong.”

Nicki started giggling and covered her mouth. Sean got up and stood in front of the television, his back to them. He slid the black boxer briefs down his legs. Oh, what a beautiful ass. Nicki could feel herself getting wet just looking at him, the man of her dreams. And she thought if she played her cards right, she could be playing a different game with him later…

Sunday 22 September 2013

Band Of The Week

Neverstar is a Symphonic Metal band from the UK described as “Evanescence meets Godsmack”. The band was officially formed mid 2009, but has been a six year ambition of founding members, Pieter and Vega.

Led by Vega’s passionate vocals Neverstar has played some of London’s most prestigious venues and has built a reputation as a band destined for big things.

The band's signature sound is inspired by classical and symphonic tones combined with pounding guitars and immense vocal melodies. Neverstar masterfully mixes emotion with theatrical settings and dark characteristics, which is amplified by ear splitting yet melodic guitar riffs. On stage, they convey electric energy, leaving the audience captivated and entertained.

Following on from a very successful demo release in 2011, Neverstar entered the studio to record a new single earlier this year with producer Neil Haynes whose recent credentials include The Fallen, Awake, Doctor Fonda and Dead Man’s Crossing. The single ‘Lose Control’ will be released on Monday 22 October of 2012, accompanied by a fan inspired music video shortly after.

The first and title track on the single “Lose Control” is a powerful and energetic song that hits you straight in the chest with an uplifting drum beat and pulsing guitar riff. The track is complemented by Vega’s sweet vocals skilfully layered on top. This hard driving song urges the audience to let it all go and lose control.

A second track “Forgotten” is included in the single. The track has a distinct groove written to make any audience bounce to the beat. It tells a heartfelt story of overcoming constant criticism and being told that you’re just not good enough.

This band is definitely good enough, and for them, this is just the beginning.

Press Comments:

Rien de Graaf, from the Dutch website Metalkrant commented “With their demo EP Neverstar delivers one hell of a disc. The band draws its inspiration from some greats like Nightwish. Still Neverstar remains original. Fans of female fronted metal would basically have to buy this EP. I am personally very interested in a full length album.”

'Neverstar’s music is emotionally charged, filled with theatrical settings and dark characteristics, amplified by ear splitting yet melodic guitar riffs.' Planet Mosh, UK

'With some very well thought compositions the band manages to make it sound fresh, and promising for the future.' Peek From the Pit

"A good female fronted band to look out for in the future." Metal Spree - India

Notable venues played:

Headline: The Underworld, Camden Town, London – United Kingdom
Support: Sound, Leicester Square, London – United Kingdom

Neverstar is: Vega Sims (Vocals), Pieter Cronje (Lead Guitar), Anthony Evans (Bass) and Leigh Prout (Drums).

Vega and Pieter very kindly took time out to answer some questions for us, here's what they had to say:

Q. What are your hopes for the near future?
A. We'd like to head out on tour and play as many shows as possible.

Q. Who are your icons and why?
A. Well... to name a few, Evanescence, Godsmack, Killswitch Engage, Nightwish and for Pieter & Anthony it will be leaning more to the heavy side such as Lamb of God, In Flames etc. 

Q. If you guys were to describe yourselves in simple word choice what would you say?
A. Rocking!

Q. How did you come up with your bands name?
A. That is another story which can take some time but in short, when someone puts you in a box and says, "get a job or somethin'! don't become one of them musician bums" basically you will never make it. We disagree!

Q. What has been your biggest challenge as a band.
A. Releasing our album. Perfecting the sound in the mix! Everything can sound different with the tiniest change.

Q. What up and coming gigs do you have lined up.
A. We're taking a slight break for a bit, but will announce new dates very soon.

Thursday 19 September 2013

1000 likes on Facebook

Our Facebook page hits 1000 likes


A little bit of 'Fabric of Night' 

She hopped down from around him and grabbed one of his hands, carefully leading him toward the bed until she felt it with her other hand. She pulled him close, and they lay on the bed, this time with him on top. She pulled his shirt off and explored his back with her hands. Yeah —this was what she needed. She had no doubts anymore. His back muscles were taut and rigid, and her fingertips enjoyed dancing on his back. He still hesitated, though, kissing her but nothing more, so she rolled on top of him, straddling him. His hands rested on the back of her hips as she leaned over to kiss him. Damn it, she thought. Why won’t he touch me? She sat up and pulled her shirt off. She couldn’t see him; it was too dark. But taking her shirt off spurred him into action. His hands moved to her front , and he took both breasts into each hand, his thumbs caressing each nipple. She moaned and arched her back, then realized that she needed to be quieter. Alex and Charise’s bedroom was just across the hall. How would they feel knowing their guests were engaged in such carnal activity, having only known each other for such a short time? But she needed him to know he was on the right track. Making sure her voice was low, she uttered, “Oh, God, Bryan. Yeah.” Her nipples were so hard, they ached, and he sat up, taking her cue. Shifting her weight, she was able to feel how rock hard he was under his jeans. She knew now there was no turning back, and she felt something familiar inside, a feeling of triumph, of control, in the back of her mind. It made her more aroused. Bryan took her left nipple in his mouth and she moaned quietly again, lacing her fingers through his hair. He released it then and traced it with his tongue , and she let out a heavy breath. How long had it been since she’d been with a man? She felt urgent, desperate, and she couldn’t stand it.

Wednesday 18 September 2013



We have an exclusive teaser from our Facebook page.... FEVERISH!!!!!
(Anticipated publication date January 2014)

Clayton “Jet” Smith stretched his arms. Holy sh*t, were they sore. It took him a few seconds, as he stirred from sleep, to remember why. It was the crazy sh*t he and that stacked blonde had been up to last night. Jesus, the things some women did blew his mind. Last night would be one he’d never forget…but did she give him a hell of a workout.

He chuckled quietly thinking about the broken end table in the living room. His cleaning lady would give him hell about it, but it wouldn’t be the first broken thing in his house she would have had to dispose of. He’d give her another bonus.

He froze. Waitaminute. He was pretty sure the blonde was still here, in his house, probably in his bed.

And he couldn’t remember her name.


He rolled onto his back slowly, his eyes mostly closed so he could feign sleep if need be. Just a little farther. Yep. She was still there. She was still asleep, though, so he let out a breath of air. He needed to think through the amber haze of last night’s whiskey to remember her name.

It was something semi-exotic. Carmen? Lucia? Anja? Hell, there was no way he was gonna remember. Maybe he could pretend to be asleep forever and she’d just give up on him and leave.

No. That hadn’t worked with the last girl. Maybe instead he’d just go somewhere instead and she’d get tired of waiting for him to return. Or he could call his cleaning lady and ask her to come over to make sure the girl left.

Nah. Mary hadn’t appreciated it the last time he’d asked her to do that, even though he’d doubled her weekly salary.

Shit. Well, maybe he could just make nice and kick the girl out without saying a name. He could get away with it, right?

Damn straight. He was f**king Jet Smith, lead guitarist of one of the best goddamned bands on the planet. She should just be happy he let her suck his dick.

Clay almost winced even thinking that. He loved women. He really did. But he hadn’t felt anything for one in a long time, not since Valerie Quinn. Well, she wasn’t Quinn anymore. In fact, she was on her second marriage. Did he regret losing that woman? Yeah, part of him did, but he’d known they weren’t right for each other. He’d known it since spying her expression upon seeing what she’d referred to as his “Wall of Shame.” Part of Val would always be sweet and innocent, and Clay hadn’t feel right soiling her with his sordid urges. He loved her and part of him always would, and he knew that was why it was hard for him to find any other woman satisfactory.

In fact, most women anymore were like Carmen Lucia Anja here, a great night in the sack (out of the sack, actually), someone to pass the time with in a spectacular way, but Clay couldn’t visualize the future much past a few days.

That was okay, he’d told himself. He was still young. His band was enjoying a short hiatus after touring for their third album and he was, for all intents and purposes, famous. True, most people still didn’t recognize him, but he couldn’t go out in public without someone figuring out who he was. That made it all worthwhile.

Still, he couldn’t help but feel as though he were missing something. Part of him felt empty and, even though he knew what it was deep down, there was no way in hell he was going to acknowledge it out loud and he certainly wasn’t going to meditate over the matter. Instead, he was going to enjoy himself. He was thirty-two now, still young. His only child was in school now, but even that didn’t mean he was old. No, his age didn’t have anything to do with that gnawing feeling in the back of his head. It was…

Carmen Lucia Anja stirred next to him and turned her head. She had a big smile on her face. Her teeth were white and she was pretty in her own way, but her platinum blonde hair looked fake in the sunlight streaming through the curtains. The two centimeters of black roots didn’t help. Her black mascara and eyeliner were smudged under her eyes. Up close, in bed, in natural light, he realized that Carmen Lucia Anja was actually his age. How the fuck had that happened? He usually liked them a few years younger—not much, but a little.

Her voice should have purred, but it was raspy. “My God, Jet, you are a tiger.” One corner of her lip turned up in a smile and she sat up. The sheet fell off her breasts. Those boobs were obviously fake. They were the size of cantaloupes. He couldn’t even look at them now. He’d almost suffocated between them the night before.

He almost shook his head, remembering that. He smiled and glanced at the clock on the nightstand behind her. Jesus. It was two-thirty in the afternoon. That was f**king crazy. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d awakened before nine am. Enough was enough.

Sunday 15 September 2013