Friday 18 October 2013


Clay took a long swallow of his wine and then said, “I guess we should talk about the elephant, huh?”

Emily tried not to spit out the water in her mouth. “The elephant in the room? That what you’re saying?”

“Yeah. It’s a$$ is pretty damn big and I can’t see you.”

She started laughing. “Fair enough.” She had to give him credit. It took balls to call her on it. She hadn’t known her reluctance had been so obvious. She really should have taken an acting class or two in high school. Too late now. She nodded. “I guess I’ll go first.”

He cocked his head and grabbed his glass. “Sure. Go ahead.”

She swallowed. “So…this was a complete mistake. It was my fault. I’ll accept responsibility, and I want you to know I won’t use this in any way to manipulate you as my employer.”

He blinked. “Okay. I’m not worried about that.”

“Sorry. I hope you don’t feel like I used you.”

He started laughing. “You realize that no guy in the world would care if you used him that way, right?”

She grinned. He was taking it well. “I feel better already.”

“I wondered instead how you’d feel about one more time. Then…back to the way things were.”

Oh, she was pissed at herself because she liked the sound of that. One more time in his bed. Yeah, she really did want that. Then tomorrow she could figure out if she still wanted Bryce or not. Right now, she never wanted to see the guy again, but a good night’s sleep might change that. She smiled at Clay, hoping her eyes didn’t look as ravenous as they felt. “Just tonight?” He nodded. “Then we act like nothing ever happened?” His head was still moving up and down as his eyes clouded over. She stuck out her hand to give him one of the firm shakes she’d practiced over the years. “Deal.”